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   - Nabudis
   - Clan Centurio/ Clan Primer

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   materiaCompilation of VII

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   - Noevela Info
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   - Case of Tifa
   - Case of Barret
   - Case of Yuffie
   - Case of Nanaki
   - Case of Lifestream
   - Case of Shinra

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   - Omega WEAPON
   - Memory Capsules
   - Extra Mission Capsules
   - Voice Actors
   - Redemption

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   materiaFinest Fantasy For Advance

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   - Soul of Rebirth

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   materiaFabula Novis Crystallis

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   materiaCrystal Chronicles

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   materiaFilm / OVA / Anime

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--------Premium Content--------

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Relm's Skill- Sketch/Control

final fantasy vi advance skill sketchRelm is indeed an artist above all others. Not only can she paint a life-like picture, she can bring them to life!
When using her sketch technique, Relm quickly paints a portrait of the targeted enemy. The painting will then use one of the enemy's attacks on them, as if it were the real thing. Relm's Sketching also has a higher chance of success, if she has one of her brushes equiped.

final fantasy vi advance skill controlIn the World of Ruin, you will find the Fake Mustache relic. This will change Relm's Sketch into Control. When Relm is wearing this, she has the ability to control her enemy's actions. This is a good thing when you need a bit of time from enemy attacks, or helping her grandfather learn his Lore spells.

Below is a complete listing of Relm's different Sketch and Control attacks

Enemy Sketch Control
1st Class Fight, Ore Wrench Fight, Ore Wrench
Abolisher Duster, Poison Fight, Duster, Poison
Actaneon Clamp, Aqua Rake Fight, Clamp
Adamanchyt Claw, Acid Rain Fight, Claw, Blaster
Allosaurus Doom, Poison Claw Fight, Doom, Poison Claw
Allo Ver Fight, Dead End Fight, Dead End
Anemone Imp, Giga Volt Fight, Bolt 3, Giga Volt
Anguiform Garrote, Aqua Rake Fight, Garrote, Aqua Rake
Apokryphos Silencer, L3 Muddle Fight, Silencer, L3 Muddle, L4 Flare
Apparite Slip Touch Fight, Slip Touch, Imp
Aquila Flap, Cyclonic Fight, Flap, Cyclonic, Shimsham
Arneid Fight, Numb Fight, Numb
Aspik Numb Spine, Giga Volt Fight, Giga Volt, Paralyze
Balloon Flare Up, Exploder Fight, Flare Up, Exploder
Barb-e Slap, Love Token Fight, Slap, Muddle, Dispel
Baskervor Claw, Absolute Zero Fight, Claw, Blizzard
Beakor Fight, Duster Fight, Duster
Behemoth Take Down, Meteor Fight, Take Down, Fire 3, Meteor
Black Drgn Sand Storm, Fallen One Fight, Sand Storm, Doom, Bolt 3
Bleary Fight, Slumber Fight, Slumber, Dread
Bloompire Energy Sap, Bio Fight, Enery Sap, Bio, Doom
Bogy Fight, OogyBoog Fight, OogyBoog
Bomb Exploder, Blaze Fight, Exploder, Blaze
Borras Uppercut Fight, Uppercut
Bounty Man Fight, bite Fight, Bite
Boxed Set Mirror Orb, Meteor Fight, Mirror Orb, Meteor, Lode Stone
Brachosaur Step Mind, Swing Fight, Swing
Brainpan Smirk, Blow Fish Fight, Smirk, Blow Fish
Brawler Fight, Punch None(??)
Brontaur Wall, Fire 3 Fight, Wall, Fire 3, Meteor
Buffalax Fight, Riot Fight, Riot, Storm
Bug Fight, Stone Spine Fight, Stone Spine
Cactrot Mind Sting, Blow Fish Fight, Mind Sting, Blow Fish
Cephaler Fight, Husk Fight, Husk, Stop
Ceritops Imp, Giga Volt Fight, Bolt 3, Giga Volt
Chaos Drgn fight, Disaster Cinderiser, Disaster, Meteor
Chaser Program 17, Plasma Fight, Program 17, Plasma, Dischord
Chicken Lip Lash, Quake Fight, Lash, Quake
Chimera Frisky, Aqua Rake Fight, Frisky, Blizzard, Aqua Rake
Cirpius Fight, Beak Fight, Beak, Break
Cluck Lash, Quake Fight, Lash, Quake
Coelecite Hypno Sting, Magnitude 8 Fight, Hypno Sting, Magnitude 8
Commander Fight, Fire Fight, Fire
Commando Fight, Program 65 Fight, Program 65, Shell
Covert Disappear, Wind Slash Fight, Disappear, Wind Slash, Rage
Crasshoppr Fight, Flap Fight, Flap
Crawler Feeler, Step Mine Fight, Feeler, Step Mine
Crawly Fight, Heartburn Fight, Heartburn, Magnitude 8
Critic Condemned, Slip Seed Fight, Condemned, Slip Seed
Cruller Brain Sugar, Slimer Fight, Brain Storm
Crusher Blow, Lifeshaver Fight, Crush, Lifeshaver
Dahling Mute, Cure 2 Fight, Mute, Cure 2
Dante Quartz Pike, L3 Muddle Fight, Quartz Pike, L3 Muddle, Ice 3
Dark Force Clean Sweep, L5 Doom Fight, L5 Doom, Clean Sweep, Pearl Wind
Dark Side Slip Touch, Fire 3 Fight, Slip Touch, Fire 3
Dark Wind Fight, Dice Fight, Dive
Deep Eye Dreamland, Dread Fight, Dreamland, Dread
Delta Bug Rush, Mega Volt Fight, Rush, Mega Volt
Didalos Quake, Poison Tusk Fight, Flare, Flare Star, Blaster
Displayer Rib, Doom Fight, Rib, Doom, X-zone
Doberman Fight, Bite Fight, Bite
Doom Drgn Fallen One, N. Cross Fight, Fallen One, N. Cross, S. Cross
Dragon Tail, Revenge Fight, Tail, Revenge, Blizzard
Drop Mad Signal, Muddle Fight, Mad Signal, Muddle
Dueller Giga Volt, Megahit Fight, Megahit, Mega Volt, Giga Volt
EarthGuard Poison Tail, Big Guard Fight, Poison Tail, Big Guard
Eland Stench, Bio Fight, Stench, Bio, Fire 3
Enuo Slime, Clean Sweep Fight, Slime, Clean Sweep, Aqua Rake
Evil Oscar Poison, Sour Mouth Fight, Poison, Sour Mouth, Sneeze
Exocite Fight, Scissors Fight, Scissors
Exoray Doom Pollen, Virite Fight, Doom Pollen, Virite
Fidor Fight, Pounce Fight, Pounce
Figaliz Dischord, Gunk Fight, Dischord, Gunk, Raid
Flan Slip Gunk, Slimer Fight, Slip Gunk, Slimer
Fortis Double Arm, Shrapnel Fight, Double Arm, Shrapnel, Snowball
FossilFang Bone, Sand Storm Fight, Bone, Sand Storm, X-zone
Gabbledegak Gold Wrench, Vanish Fight, Gold Wrench, Vanish
Garm Program 95, Frost 3 Fight, Program 95, Fire 2
Geckorex Petriglare, Break Fight, Petriglare, Break, Dread
General Bio Attack, Cure 2 Fight, Bio Attack Cure 2
Ghost Fire, X-Zone Fight, Fire
Gigan Toad Croak, slimer Fight, Croak, Slimer
Gigantos Fight, Throat Jab Fight, Throat Jab, Revenge
Gilomantis Sickle, Lods Stone Fight, Sickle, Shrapnel
GloomShell Rock, Net Fight, Rock, Net
Gobbler Silence, Shimsham Fight, Silence, Shimsham
Goblin Fire 3, Bolt 3 Fight, Fire 3, Bolt 3, Ice 3
Gold Bear Fight, Gouge Fight, Gouge
GreaseMonk Fight, Lode Wrench Fight, Lode Wrench, Step Mine
Grenade Mesmerize, Blaze Mesmerize, Fire, Blaze
Gt Behemoth Hay Maker, Meteor Fight, Hay Maker, Meteor, Fire 3
Guard Fight Fight
HadesGigas Head Butt, Magnitude 8 Fight, Head Butt, Magnitude 8
Harpiai Aero, Nail Fight, Aero, Nail
Harpy Grip, Cyclonic Fight, Grip, Cyclonic, Aero
Harvester Sickle, Firewall Fight, Sickle, Drain
Hazer Fight, Drain Fight, Drain, Fire
Heavy Armor Tek Laser, MetalHand Fight, Tek Laser, MetalHand
Hemophyte Shock Wave, Hit Fight, Shock Wave, Curser Gaze, Pearl
HermitCrab Rock, Net Fight, Rock, Net
Hipocampus Acid Rain, Flash Rain Fight, Acid Rain, Flash Rain
Hoover Crush, Sand Storm Fight, Crush, Sand Storm, Quake
Hornet Fight, Iron Needle Fight, Iron Needle
Humpty Hug, Poison Fight, Hug, Poison
Ing Glare, Lifeshaver Fight, Glare, Lifeshaver
Innoc Fight, L? Pearl Fight, L? Pearl
Insecare Fight, Flap Fight, Flap
Intangir Step Mine Cannot Control
Io Plasma, Crush Fight, Plasma, Crush, Blaster
Iron Fist Fight, Stone Fight, Stone, Knee Kick
IronHitman Dischord, Destroy Fight, Dischord, Destroy, Tek Laser
Joker Parasol, Bolt 2 Fight, Parasol, Bolt 2, Acid Rain
Junk Parralout, Bolt 3 Fight, Paralout, Pep Up, Exploder
Karkass Break, Bolt 3 Fight, Break, Bolt 3, Flare
Kiwok Imp, Cyclonic Fight, Remedy
Land Worm Compress, Magnitude 8 Fight, Compress, Magnitude 8, Lode Stone
Latimeria Magnitude 8, Wind-Up Fight, Magnitude 8, Wind-Up
Leafer Fight, Incisor Fight, Incisor
Lethal Wpn Metal Arm, Megazerk Hit, Megazerk
Lich Fire, Fire 2 Fight, Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3
Lizard Imp, Remedy Fight, Break, Dischord
Lobo Fight, Tusk Fight, Tusk
Lunaris Fight, Face Bite Fight, Face Bite
Luridan Horn, Land Slide Fight, Horn, Land Slide, Cave In
Madam Flare, Pearl Fight, Flare, Pearl, Ice 3
Mad Oscar Drool, Sour Mouth Fight, Drool, Sour Mouth
Magic Urn Remedy, Cure Fight, Remedy, Cure 3, W Wind
Mag Roader (purple) Fight, Wheel, Rush Fight, Wheel, Rush
Mag Roader (red) Fight, Wheel, Rush Fight, Wheel, Rush
Mag Roader (yellow) Fight, Wheel, Rush Fight, Wheel, Rush
Mag Roader (brown) Fight, Wheel Fight, Wheel
Maliga Fight, Scissors Fight, Scissors, Remedy
Mandrake Stone Touch, Raid Fight, Stone Touch, Raid
Mantodea Mind Reaper, Wind Slash Fight, Mind Reaper, Wind Slash
Marshal Fight, Charge Fight, Charge, Bolt 3
Mesosaur T. Lash, Step Mine Fight, T. Lash, Step Mine
Mind Candy Fight, Sleep Sting Fight, Sleep Sting, Sleep
Misfit Glare, Lifeshaver Fight, Glare, Lifeshaver
Mover Fight, Disaster Fight, Big Guard
M-Tekarmor Fight, Teklaser Fight, Teklaser
Muus Pep-Up, Gunk Fight, Pep-Up, Slimer
Nastidon Fight, Hug Fight, Hug
Nautiloid Fight, Ink Fight, Ink
NeckHunter Mad Sickle, Imp Fight, Mad Sickle, Imp
Necromancer X-Zone, Doom X-Zone, Doom, Flare
Nightshade Poison Rod, Charm Fight, Poison Rod, Charm
Ninja Fire Skean, Water Edge Fight, Fire Skean, Water Edge, Bolt Edge
Nohrabbit Cure, Cure 2 Fight, Cure, Cure 2, Remedy
Ogor Fight, Meteor Fight, Cold Dust, Pearl Wind
Opinicus Riot, Slide Fight, Slide, Wind Slash, Surge
Orog Bio, Pearl Fight, Bio, Pearl
Osprey Beak, Shimsham Fight, Beak, Shimsham
Osteosaur Fight Fight, Fossil
Outsider Fight, Ruin Fight, Metal Arm, Teklaser
Over Grunk Bane Touch, Poison Fight, Bane Touch, Muddle
Over Mind Fight, Dread Fight, Dread
Pan Dora Hypno Gas, Revenge Fight, Hypno Gas, Revenge
Parasite Mind Stop, Giga Volt Fight, Mind Stop, Giga Volt
Parasoul Spin Slice, Flash Rain Fight, Spin Slice, Flash Rain, El Nino
Peepers Tail, Pearl Wind Fight, Tail, Pearl Wind
Phase Blow Fish, Smirk Fight, Blow Fish, Smirk
Pipsqueak Imp, Roulette Fight, Demi, Quartr
PlutoArmor Crush, Tek Laser Fight, Crush, Tek Laser, Schiller
Pm Stalker Poison, Drain Fight, Poison, Drain, Bio
Poplium Fight, Slow Fight, Slow
Poppers Imp, Stone Fight, Break, Stone
PowerDemon Flare, Daze Dance Fight, Flare, Daze Dance
Primordite Fight, NumBlade Fight, NumBlade
ProtoArmor Program 35, Tek Laser Fight, Program 35, Tek Laser, Schiller
Prussian Fight, Bear Hug Fight, Bear Hug, Stone
Psychot Lifeshaver, Mind Shock Fight, Lifeshaver, Mind Shock
Pterodon Wing, Fire Ball Fight, Wing, Fire Ball
Pug Cleaver, Break Fight, Cleaver, Break
Punisher Fight Fight
Rain Man Umbrawler, Bolt 3 Fight, Umbrawler, Bolt 3, Flash Rain
Ralph Fight, Tackle Fight, Tackle
Reach Frog Tongue, Slimer Fight, Tongue, Slimer
Red Fang Fight, Rabies Fight, Rabies
Red Wolf Rush, Revenge Fight, Rush
Repo Man Wrench, Flare Fight, Wrench
Retainer Wind Slash, TradeOff Fight, Wind Slash, TradeOff, Condemned
Rhinotaur Mega Volt, Giga Volt Fight, Mega Volt
Rhinox Bane Strike, Life 3 Fight, Bane Strike, Life 3
Rhobite Fight, Incisor Fight, Incisor
Rhodox Snare, Near Fatal Fight
Rhyos El Nino, Surge Fight, Flare Star, Surge, El Nino
Rider Silver Pike, Virite Fight, Silver Pike, Virite
Rinn Fight, Slow Fight, Slow
Samurai Flare, Doom Fight, Flare, Doom, Haste2
Sand Horse Sand Storm, Clamp Fight, Sand Storm, Clamp
Sand Ray Fight, Tail Fight, Tail
Scorpion Fight, Doom Sting Fight, Doom Sting
Scrapper Knife, Elf Fire Fight, Knife, Elf Fire
Scullion Gamma Rays, Exploder Fight, Gamma Rays
Sea Flower Fight, Feeler Fight, Feeler
Sewer Rat Fight, Incisor Fight, Incisor
Sky Armor Backlash, Tek Laser Fight, Backlash, Tek Laser
Sky Base Doom, Giga Volt Fight, Doom
Sky Cap Atomic Ray, Slip Anchor Fight, Slip Anchor, Tek Laser
Slam Dancer Ice 2, Fire 2 Fight, Ice 2 , Fire 2, Bolt 2
Slatter Choke, Shimsham Fight, Choke
Slurm Fight, Heartburn Fight, Heartburn, Magnitude 8, Quake
Soldier Fight, Scan Fight, Scan
Soul Dancer Fight, Osmose Fight, Osmose, Drain, Fire 2
Spectre Fight, Fire Fight, Fire
Spek Tor Scratch, Blaster Fight, Blaster, Acid Rain
Sp Forces Fight, Blow Fight, Blow, Safe
Spit Fire Propeller, Tek Laser Fight, Propeller, Tek Laser, Schiller
Sprinter Drain Beak, Aero Fight, Drain Beak, Cyclonic
Steroidite Rush, Slide Fight, Rush, Blizzard, Blaster
Still Life Bane Kiss, Lullaby Fight, Bane Kiss, Lullaby, Condemned
Stray Cat Blaster, Catscratch Fight, Catscrath
Suriander Yawn, Aqua Rake Fight, Yawn, Aqua Rake
Tap Dancer Waste Shake, Slow2 Fight, Waste Shake, Slow 2, Haste
Telstar Launcher, Tek Laser None
Templar Fight, Axe Fight, Axe
Test Rider Gold Lance, Flash Rain Fight, Lance, Flash Rain
Toe Cutter Doom Sickle, Shrapnel Fight, Doom Sickle, Shrapnel
Tomb Thumb Dash, Step Mine Fight, Dash, Step Mine
Trapper L3 Muddle, L5 Doom Fight, L3 Muddle, L4 Flare, L5 Doom
Trilium Fight, Bane Touch Fight, Bane Touch
Trilobiter Fight, Poison Barb Fight, Poison Barb, Poison
Trixter Fire, Fire 2 Fight, Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3
Trooper Fight, Swing Fight, Swing
TumbleWeed Blinder, Lifeshaver Fight, Blinder, Lifeshaver
Tusker Gore, Blizzard Fight, Gore
Tyranosaur Bite, Aero Fight, Bite, Slow, Haste
Uroburos Bio, Quake Fight, Bio, Quake
Ursus Scratch, Fire 2 Fight, Scratch
Vaporite Fight, Slow Fight, Slow
Vectagoyle Giga Volt, Aqua Rake Fight, Gig Volt, Aqua Rake, Blaze
Vectaur Tusk, Pearl Wind Fight, Claw, Pearl Wind
Vector Pup Fight, Bite Fight, Bite
Vermin Bacteria, Bio Fight, Bacteria, Bio
Veteran Fight, Roulette Fight, Doom, X-Zone, Roulette
Vindr Beak, Acid Rain Fight, Beak, Acid Rain
Vomammoth Bear Claw, Blizzard Fight, Bear Claw, Blizzard
Vulture Blinder, Shimsham Fight, Blinder, Shimsham
Warlock Magic Drain, Pearl Fight, Magic Drain, Pearl
Wart Puck Fight, Yawn Fight, Yawn, Exploder
WeedFeeder Fight, Flap Fight, Flap, Berserk
Were-Rat Fight, Bite Fight, Bite
Whisper Quartr, Demi Fight, Fire, Demi
Wild Cat Pounce, Blaster Fight, Pounce, Blaster
Wild Rat Fight, Scratch Fight, Scratch
Wirey Drgn Wing, Cyclonic Fight, Wing, Cyclonic
Wizard Rasp, Demi Fight, Rasp, Demi, Stop
Woolly Frenzy, W. Wind Fight, Frenzy
Wyvern Slip Wing, Cyclonic Fight, Slip Wing, Cyclonic
Zombone Bone, Bolt 3 Fight, Bone, Poison, Bio
ZoneEater Fight None